
Agenda 議程表

8/2 Government Day (Minsheng Technology Service Building, 14F Innovation Hall)


8/3 Community Day (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, AAEON Building 5F, TR512)

Time Talk / Action Speaker
09:40-10:00 Opening / 開幕
Franklin Weng
10:00-10:30 Community Workshop: TDF Introduction
Italo Vignoli
10:30-11:00 Creating LibreOffice Impress Template for School
建立學校使用的 LibreOffice Impress 簡報範本
Bayu Aji
11:00-11:30 Those things **Writer** don't tell you
那些 **Writer** 沒有告訴你的事
Kai-Ju Tsai 蔡凱如
11:30-12:00 Our Drawing Experiences with LibreOffice Draw
LibreOffice Draw 繪圖經驗談
Raditya Abdi Firmansyah / Nabil Oktaroma Dhoni
12:00-13:00 Lunch / 午餐時間
13:00-13:30 Funny storry telling - What can happen when you are helping migrations to and use of LibreOffice Technology
有趣的故事分享:導入 LibreOffice Technology 時發生的趣事
Lothar Becker
13:30-14:00 An Open Future in Japan and its Possibilities Created Together with LibreOffice Technology
日本的開放未來,及與 LibreOffice Technology 共同創造的可能性
Kenta Ito / Poe Poe Mon
14:00-14:30 Collaboration Without Borders: The Story Behind LibreOffice Conf. Asia X UbuConf Asia 2023
無國界協作:LibreOffice Asia Conf X UbuConf Asia 2023 背後的故事
Andreas Abi Permana
14:40-15:00 Tea Break / 茶點、休息時間
15:00-15:30 Use Calc to show the art and charm of numbers
用 Calc 展現數字的藝術與魅力
Teresa Hou 侯玉彤
15:30-16:00 Give a new color to LibreOffice by designing a Srikandi Icon (Ladies-themed icon)
透過設計 Srikandi 圖示(女士主題圖示)為 LibreOffice 賦予新色彩
Annisa Aulia Rasyidah