Office GOBMX, LibreOffice for the government of Mexico Office GOBMX
Office GOBMX, LibreOffice for the government of Mexico Office GOBMX
墨西哥政府導入之 LibreOffice
LectureAdlair Cerecedo-Mendez
Time12:10 pm ~ 12:50 pm
In this talk, Adlair will introduce Office GobMX, a LibreOffice derivation used in the government Mexico, as well as the way in which it is developed, the challenges, difficulties and objectives of its existence. Likewise, they will be explained how to collaborate in the project.
在本次演講中,Adlair Cerecedo-Mendez 將介紹 Office GobMX(墨西哥政府使用的 LibreOffice 衍生產品),以及它的開發方式、挑戰、困難和存在的目標,以及在推行此產品的專案中如何進行協作。