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Our Drawing Experiences with LibreOffice Draw

Our Drawing Experiences with LibreOffice Draw
LibreOffice Draw 繪圖經驗談

LectureRaditya Abdi Firmansyah / Nabil Oktaroma Dhoni
Time11:30 am ~ 12:00 pm
We are members of a drawing club from a rural area in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. Our club use FOSS for drawing. We learn about drawing using FOSS, and one of them is LibreOffice Draw. We will share our learning journey and our drawing with LibreOffice Draw. We hope our session can inspire people to use and learn more about LibreOffice, especially LibreOffice Draw
我們是印尼 Yogyakarta 特區農村地區繪圖社團的成員。我們社團學習使用自由開源軟體進行繪圖,其中之一是 LibreOffice Draw。我們將分享我們的學習歷程以及使用 LibreOffice Draw 畫出來的圖。我們希望這一場演講能激發大家使用和了解更多有關 LibreOffice,特別是 LibreOffice Draw 的消息。