Give a new color to LibreOffice by designing a Srikandi Icon (Ladies-themed icon)
Give a new color to LibreOffice by designing a Srikandi Icon (Ladies-themed icon)
透過設計 Srikandi 圖示(女士主題圖示)為 LibreOffice 賦予新色彩
LectureAnnisa Aulia Rasyidah
Time03:30 pm ~ 04:00 pm
In this presentation I will share my experience as a designer in a project to create Srikandi Icon for LibreOffice. I will discuss the challenges we faced, the lessons I learned, and tips for working on a project. By sharing my experience, I hope to inspire the audience to come up with new ideas or further develop icon projects for LibreOffice.
在這場演講中,我將分享我為 LibreOffice 建立 Srikandi 圖示的專案中的經驗。我將討論我們面臨的挑戰、我學到的經驗教訓以及開展專案的技巧。透過分享我的經驗,我希望能夠啟發觀眾提出新的想法或進一步開發 LibreOffice 的圖示主題。