Collaboration Without Borders: The Story Behind LibreOffice Conf. Asia X UbuConf Asia 2023
Collaboration Without Borders: The Story Behind LibreOffice Conf. Asia X UbuConf Asia 2023
無國界協作:LibreOffice Asia Conf X UbuConf Asia 2023 背後的故事
LectureAndreas Abi Permana
Time02:00 pm ~ 02:30 pm
In this presentation, I will share my inspiring experience as the local committee in organising LibreOffice Conf. Asia X UbuConf Asia 2023 (LOUCA 2023), a borderless collaboration event between two open source communities. I will discuss the challenges we faced, the creative solutions we implemented, and the successes we achieved through close co-operation. By sharing this story, I hope to encourage more people to participate and contribute to open source projects, especially LibreOffice, and build a stronger community through cross-border collaboration.
在這場演講中,我將分享我在當地組織 LibreOffice Asia Conf X UbuConf Asia 2023 (LOUCA 2023) 的鼓舞人心的經驗,以及兩個開源社群之間的無國界合作活動。我將討論我們面臨的挑戰、我們找到的創意解決方案,以及我們透過密切合作所取得的成功。透過分享這個故事,我希望鼓勵更多的人參與開源專案尤其是 LibreOffice 並做出貢獻,並透過跨國協作建立更強大的社群。