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A migration to LibreOffice Technology in governmental organisations - motivations and challanges or why it should be met by TDF certified professionals
政府導入 LibreOffice Technology 經驗談 -- 動機、挑戰,以及 LibreOffice 認證專家的角色

LectureLothar Becker
Time09:30 am ~ 10:10 am
The talk will summerize lessons learned out of 25 years of migration experiences to LibreOffice Technology in governmantal organisations. From famous one like the worldwide known "LiMux" project to up to date migration projects for 30.000 clients in the government of the german country Schleswig-Holstein.

A migration to LibreOffice Technology is in a professional deployment a complex technical and non-technical task. Over time both worlds - the proprietary and the open - evolve further, so new or changing technical challenges for a migration appear and motivations for doing it are changing since the beginning of such projects over 20 years ago. May it be e.g. technical new devices like mobile/tablets or online apps or may it be motivations changing from cost arguments to a gain on digital sovereignty for example, all these new developments should be covered by state of the art migrations.

A short journey through old but still present and new aspects are presented in this talk and how The Document Foundation (TDF) proof quality of migration consultants for this with its certification program.
這場演講將總結政府組織 25 年來導入 LibreOffice Technology 的經驗教訓。從舉世聞名的 LiMux 計畫到德國 Schleswig-Holstein 州政府 30,000 名客戶的最新導入計畫。

在專業部署中,導入 LibreOffice Technology 是一項複雜的技術和非技術任務。隨著時間的演進,專有世界和開放世界都進一步發展,因此出現了新的或不斷變化的導入挑戰,自 20 多年前此類計畫開始以來,導入的動機也在改變。可能是,比方說,行動裝置、平板電腦或線上應用程式等新技術,或者可能是從成本論點轉變為獲得數位主權的動機,所有這些新發展都應該由最先進的導入來涵蓋。

這場演講簡要介紹了舊的但仍然存在的方式,以及新的方式,以及文件基金會 (TDF) 如何透過其認證計劃證明導入顧問的品質。

Deliberating towards Public Money Public Code (PMPC) Implementation in Government - A Preliminary Analysis by the Multi-stakeholder Framework 
政府導入 Public Money Public Code (PMPC) 審議- 多利益關係人架構的初步分析

LectureNaiyi Hsiao 蕭乃沂
Time10:10 am ~ 10:50 am
While the concepts regarding Public Money Public Code (PMPC) have been prevailing for the open government movement, the research and practice in Taiwan remain striving for public awareness. Drawing upon the results of the OCF (Open Culture Foundation) project sponsored by Ministry of Digital Affairs (moda) in Taiwan, the talk will attempt to explore what and why the PMPC practice has encounter legal and administrative concerns among the diverse stakeholders.

Applying the multi-stakeholder framework, the presenters would like to share and collect various opinions from the session participants and hopefully contribute to further research and practice towards PMPC implementation in Taiwan and the governments worldwide.
雖然有關 Public Money? Public Code!(PMPC)的概念在開放政府運動中已經開始盛行,但台灣的研究和實踐仍在努力提高公眾意識。這場演講將藉鑒台灣數位發展部 (MODA) 所贊助的 OCF(開放文化基金會)計畫的成果,嘗試探討 PMPC 實踐在不同利害關係人中遇到法律和行政的問題與成因。

應用多利益相關者框架(multi-stakeholder framework),講者希望分享和收集會議參與者的各種意見,並希望為台灣和世界各國政府實施 PMPC 的進一步研究和實踐做出貢獻。

Creating LibreOffice Impress Template for School
建立學校使用的 LibreOffice Impress 簡報範本

LectureBayu Aji
Time10:30 am ~ 11:00 am
In this session Bayu will tell you about how to create and customize a LibreOffice Impress presentation template for school and student needs.
在這場演講中 Bayu 將會告訴你如何建立與調整給學校與學生使用的 LibreOffice Impress 簡報範本。

Those things **Writer** don't tell you
那些 **Writer** 沒有告訴你的事

LectureKai-Ju Tsai 蔡凱如
Time11:00 am ~ 11:30 am
When using software at work, you will always encounter problems. You may read many books or manuals to study how to use Writer, but those writers of the book would usually fail to mention the solution of the problems you meet when introducing the functions. In this talk Kai-Ju Tsai, a LibreOffice Certified Professional Trainer, will share 3 practical tips in life: making table cards , application of number lists and calculation in table,

Our Drawing Experiences with LibreOffice Draw
LibreOffice Draw 繪圖經驗談

LectureRaditya Abdi Firmansyah / Nabil Oktaroma Dhoni
Time11:30 am ~ 12:00 pm
We are members of a drawing club from a rural area in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. Our club use FOSS for drawing. We learn about drawing using FOSS, and one of them is LibreOffice Draw. We will share our learning journey and our drawing with LibreOffice Draw. We hope our session can inspire people to use and learn more about LibreOffice, especially LibreOffice Draw
我們是印尼 Yogyakarta 特區農村地區繪圖社團的成員。我們社團學習使用自由開源軟體進行繪圖,其中之一是 LibreOffice Draw。我們將分享我們的學習歷程以及使用 LibreOffice Draw 畫出來的圖。我們希望這一場演講能激發大家使用和了解更多有關 LibreOffice,特別是 LibreOffice Draw 的消息。

Current Status and Next Step of ODF Promotion in Taiwan
台灣導入 ODF 的現況與下一步

LectureCheng-Ming Wang 王誠明
Time11:30 am ~ 12:10 pm
Director General Cheng-Ming Wang will introduce to the audience three aspects of Taiwan's ODF promotion: why Taiwan promotes ODF, the process and current status of ODF promotion, and the next step. He will discuss the mechanisms of ODF promotion in Taiwan and share experiences in developing tools related to ODF file editing based on LibreOffice.
王誠明司長將介紹台灣 ODF 推廣的三個面向:為什麼台灣要推廣 ODF、ODF 推廣的過程和現狀、以及 ODF 政策的下一步。他將討論 ODF 在台灣的推廣機制,並分享基於 LibreOffice 開發 ODF 文件編輯相關工具的經驗。

Office GOBMX, LibreOffice for the government of Mexico  Office GOBMX
墨西哥政府導入之 LibreOffice

LectureAdlair Cerecedo-Mendez
Time12:10 pm ~ 12:50 pm
In this talk, Adlair will introduce Office GobMX, a LibreOffice derivation used in the government Mexico, as well as the way in which it is developed, the challenges, difficulties and objectives of its existence. Likewise, they will be explained how to collaborate in the project.
在本次演講中,Adlair Cerecedo-Mendez 將介紹 Office GobMX(墨西哥政府使用的 LibreOffice 衍生產品),以及它的開發方式、挑戰、困難和存在的目標,以及在推行此產品的專案中如何進行協作。

Funny storry telling - What can happen when you are helping migrations to and use of LibreOffice Technology
有趣的故事分享:導入 LibreOffice Technology 時發生的趣事

LectureLothar Becker
Time01:00 pm ~ 01:30 pm
We're among ourselves - it's a good time to talk shop. This entertaining talk looks at curious situations and behaviours from 25 years of migration experience and services for LibreOffice and its predecessors. From the attempt to have approx. 30 million if-then-else formulae evaluated in a Calc file to the speaker being threatened with blows by a user because he was told to change his beloved spreadsheet software, all funny incidents in a serious, often underestimated change management project, the introduction of LibreOffice.
既然這是社群的聚會——現在是談論這些事的好時機。這個有趣的演講著眼於 LibreOffice 及其前身 25 年的遷移經驗和服務中所看到的奇怪情況和行為。從 Calc 文件中出現 3000 萬個 if-then-else 公式,到講者受到使用者的毆打威脅,因為他被告知他不能再用心愛的試算表軟體等等,所有在認真但經常被低估的變革管理專案中,引入 LibreOffice 所發生的各種趣事。

An Open Future in Japan and its Possibilities Created Together with LibreOffice Technology
日本的開放未來,及與 LibreOffice Technology 共同創造的可能性

LectureKenta Ito / Poe Poe Mon
Time01:30 pm ~ 02:00 pm
We use LibreOffice as individual users. We not only use it personally, but also proposed and actually introduced it in the company we work for. This holds great significance. In Japan, Microsoft Office is used as the de facto standard. This is partly because documents submitted to government agencies are often in Microsoft Office format. However, this forces users to purchase the software and creates a situation where certain software is required, which poses a major problem in terms of public accessibility. I believe that LibreOffice Technology is a wonderful technology that can directly solve this problem. This time, I would like to consider the benefits and potential of using LibreOffice Technology from the user's perspective.
我們是 LibreOffice 的使用者。我們不僅個人使用它,而且在我們工作的公司中也提出並實際導入它。這具有十分重要的意義。在日本,Microsoft Office 做為實際的標準,部分原因是提交給政府機構的文件通常採用 Microsoft Office 格式。然而,這迫使用戶購買軟體,並造成需要某些軟體的情況,這在文件互通性方面與公開存取的能力造成了重大問題。我相信LibreOffice Technology 是一項很棒的技術,可以直接解決這個問題。這次,我想從使用者的角度考慮使用 LibreOffice 技術的好處和潛力。

Open Source and Open Standards for Digital Sovereignty

LectureItalo Vignoli
Time02:00 pm ~ 02:40 pm
Open source software and open standards - especially document formats - are central to the digital sovereignty strategies of individuals, companies, organisations and governments. Today, user-created content - and the ability to share it transparently - is in the hands of a few companies that take advantage of users' limited digital culture. This situation can only be overcome by moving from proprietary to open source software and from proprietary to open standards.