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Funny storry telling - What can happen when you are helping migrations to and use of LibreOffice Technology

Lothar Becker
有趣的故事分享:導入 LibreOffice Technology 時發生的趣事
We're among ourselves - it's a good time to talk shop. This entertaining talk looks at curious situations and behaviours from 25 years of migration experience and services for LibreOffice and its predecessors. From the attempt to have approx. 30 million if-then-else formulae evaluated in a Calc file to the speaker being threatened with blows by a user because he was told to change his beloved spreadsheet software, all funny incidents in a serious, often underestimated change management project, the introduction of LibreOffice.
既然這是社群的聚會——現在是談論這些事的好時機。這個有趣的演講著眼於 LibreOffice 及其前身 25 年的遷移經驗和服務中所看到的奇怪情況和行為。從 Calc 文件中出現 3000 萬個 if-then-else 公式,到講者受到使用者的毆打威脅,因為他被告知他不能再用心愛的試算表軟體等等,所有在認真但經常被低估的變革管理專案中,引入 LibreOffice 所發生的各種趣事。
01:00 pm ~ 01:30 pm